My first job in advertising was at one of those huge New York agencies that had over 700 people. I sat on 16, an entire floor of nothing but creatives. One day, an ACD said “Hey kid, look around. How many people on this floor are over 40?” I thought hard and said, “Umm, three?” “Exactly. Where do they all go?”
I never found out. But now I am one of them, and I’d like to do what it takes to stick around. Because let’s face it, ageism is real. You know it, I know it, and that kid who just got hired out of Portfolio Center and seems to be eyeing your office knows it.
If you’d like to stick around too, here are a few watchouts that could help. Feel free to laminate them and keep them in your satchel.
–It’s not “The Facebook”.
–If someone brings up things like Jimmy Carter or Iran Contra, just look baffled.
–Don’t get sucked into that game of “What was your prom theme song?” It’s a trap.
–Do your jeans come up to your belly button? Time for a wardrobe change.
–Never refer to ‘the kids’. As in “the kids love Snapchat.”
–Never ask “What’s Snapchat?”
–Learn how to use Snapchat before you go into a meeting about Snapchat. (It’s so easy. Apps are free. Download them, use them, and voila! You’re now as up-to-speed as that kid with the flannel shirt and long beard.)
–Never be seen eating, ordering or even thinking about dinner before 6 o’clock.
–Don’t overcompensate by suddenly wearing graphic tees and Vans.
–If you take prescription meds, don’t pull out a bag full of bright orange bottles in a meeting. Take that stuff to the bathroom. Or at least camouflage them in trendy herbal supplement bottles. “Why no, this isn’t Crestor. It’s an extract from the Polynesian honey thistle plant.”
–Try to avoid starting sentences with “I read something interesting in Reader’s Digest the other day.”
–The Wahl 5545 Ear Nose and Brow Trimmer. Your ear hair will thank me.
–Adopt something quirky as your signature to distract from your age: a beret, oversized thick-framed glasses, an ascot.
–It’s not a great time to be silver. Leave those Centrum Silver vitamins home. One option is overcorrect by going with Flintstones Chewables. No wait, the Flintstones are a tell too.
–Thinking about coloring your hair? Either don’t do it or commit all the way, as in every four weeks. Roots worked for Alex Haley, but not you.
–Never, ever, ever be caught with a Werther’s Original.